3 months in…

I am now three months in to full-time private practice after having quit my job at the beginning of the year. I was talking to someone at the weekend, someone I go walking with and they said to me ”so you’ve passed the petrified stage then?” This did make me chuckle as I never considered that I could have been petrified! Having thought about and reflected on whether I was petrified at some point, or not, perhaps I was. The fear of the unknown can be a scary place and when I see what kept me moving forwards in the direction I wanted to go I see how faith played its part, a big part. Not faith of a religious nature but more a faith that things will be ok. If I put in the work on a daily basis and be dogged about this, then hopefully good things would happen. Perhaps a combination of faith and hope is and was the remedy for fear.

I remember hearing once that if I wasn’t nervous about doing something new then perhaps I didn’t really want it as it didn’t matter enough. Somehow at the time this gave me acceptance about feeling nervous, that it was ok and kind of proved to me that what I was doing was what I really wanted. I have learned over the years that the more I pay attention to the way I feel the more I seem to move in direction I want. I have become more aware of the way I feel and can translate it into something I understand. I listen to my inner voice rather than letting my reasoned logical head take over or even worse do what others want me to do and end up down a road I don’t want to be on. Who can relate to this one?

“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.” – Jim Rohn

So three months on I am doing what I need to do, I am happy with what I have already done and the decisions I had to make in order to get where I want. By no means have I reached the finishing line, I will never reach that until my time is up. Right now, I like the view and I like the thought of new horizons, they seem welcoming and warm. I may not be able to see over the hill, however I am liking the journey and it feels good, despite those nerves!

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